Description about the painting:
The first time I painted the "Which One are You?" in 2010, that was when Deafhood had just begun. There were Big D's (Culturally Deaf) and little d's (medically theory as in deafness) around. Which one are you? Big D? or little d? Now that has to be stopped. Recently, on August 15, 2014, there was a Deafhood and De'VIA workshop at Deaf View Art Retreat for De'VIA artists at Aspen Camp for the Deaf in Aspen, Colorado, the presenter, Marvin Miller explained that we Deaf people are no longer little d. We should keep the little d BIG. We have experienced the little d from oralism, and through speech and listening, and through our lives in mainstreaming, and even for Deaf adults wearing cochlear implants. They are still big D. Throw out the little d. We have experienced that. Now it's BIG.