Direct Painting-
The type of painting I do, is called 'Direct Painting.' The way I do painting is done in a single application.
That means using a one-opaque painting technique. Painting from light to dark. Vary brushstrokes, thick, thin, short, long marks, etc. Many 'scrubbing' in different directions. I do 'scumbling' with a dry brush. That means to soften the color of a painted area by overlaying parts with opaque color applied lightly with an almost dry brush. I start with painting the background to the foreground. I mixed the colors primarily from the palette. Direct painting have been used by the Fauves and the Abstract Expressionists. This type of painting relies abit of planning because I think about forms and colors simultaneously, in other words, to work on all directions at the same time. This is one good example of direct painting of 'This is George Veditz'. Another direct painting applied to Abbe Charles Michel de l'Epee.
Nancy Rourke