Deaf President Now Series
31 Days in March Project

DPN: Day Eight, March 13, 1988 11 inch by 14 inch oil on stretched canvas SOLD click on image.
Description about the painting:
This painting is inspired by Clayton Valli. He invented the PAH! during the Deaf President Now rallies. People wore PAH buttons. |

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DPN: Day Seven, March 12, 1988 11 inch by 14 inch oil on stretched canvas SOLD click on image.
Description about the painting:
This painting is inspired by Clayton Valli. He invented the PAH! during the Deaf President Now rallies.
People wore PAH buttons.

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DPN: Day Six, March 11, 1988 11 inch by 14 inch oil on stretched canvas SOLD click on image.
Description about the painting:
This painting is about a march to the Capitol Building. It was at noon, a day of celebration and many from local and national deaf communities participated.

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DPN: Day Five, March 10, 1988 11 inch by 14 inch oil on stretched canvas $150 click on image.
Description about the painting:
This painting is about the rallies were held all day. Many people from everywhere came to support the protest.

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DPN: Day Four, March 9, 1988 11 inch by 14 inch oil on stretched canvas SOLD click on image.
Description about the painting:
This painting is the night Greg Hlibok, Elizabeth Zinser, and Marlee Matlin were interviewed by Ted Koppel on ABC's Nightline.

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DPN: Day Three, March 8, 1988 11 inch by 14 inch oil on stretched canvas SOLD click on image.
Description about the painting:
This painting is the four students who had emerged as leaders of the protest: Bridgetta Bourne, Jerry Covell, Tim Rarus and Greg Hlibok.

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DPN: Day Two, March 7, 1988 11 inch by 14 inch oil on stretched canvas SOLD click on image.
Description about the painting:
This is Harvey Goodstein walks onstage to inform everyone that the Board has not met their demands. The four demands are:
- Zinser must resign and a deaf president selected.
- Spilman must resign from the Board.
- The percentage of deaf members on the Board of Trustees must be increased to at least 51%.
- There must be no reprisals against any of the protesters.

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DPN: Day One, March 6, 1988 11 inch by 14 inch oil on stretched canvas $150 click on image.
This is a painting series that I focus on each day of what had happened during the Deaf President Now protest. This is a 25th Anniversary of DPN. This is about the Deaf crowd that gathered together to learn of the Gallaudet Board's decision. They became very angry that Elizabeth Zinser was selected as a sole hearing candidate. I added the words and blue tape crossed off as to meaning 'denied.' The words "Jane S. supposely said, "Deaf people are not able to function the hearing world. She denied." The signs shows, 'sad', finish!' 'NOW', *facepalm*, 'whoa' and 'NO.' These face expression show shocked, sad, anger and disbelief.
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Nancy Rourke all paintings are copyrighted © 2001-2017
Last updated October 9, 2017