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Kelly Butterworth

Kelly Butterworth 11 inch by 14 inch oil on stretched canvas SOLD click on image.
Description about the painting:

While my work has a centralized focus that makes a theme, I create images, motifs and colours. This portrait of Kelly focuses on shades, lights and emotions. Colours have meanings. The motifs on this painting show: Red/Blue eyebrows: my trademark. Nostrils with blue on one side and red on the other side: my trademark. The meaning of COLOURS: Yellow refers to light so that Deaf people can see. It means HOPE for better lives. Light blueish color refers to Deafhood. Black / Blue refers to Oralism, Audism and Mask of Benevolence. Red refers to empowerment, stand for justice.The yellow light on Kelly’s face show light shine on her face, to show hope for better lives and future. The blue and black colour background shows that the Deaf community she had seen with her own eyes, have gone through audism. The red colour on all of the portrait, shows empowerment, meaning she was a good role model for many Deaf people. The light blueish colour shows she stood for her own Deaf pride to many who are inspired by her. Kelly passed away on May 22, 2014 after a 12 year battle with cancer. The painting is at the Rhode Island School for the Deaf.
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Nancy Rourke paintings copyright. 2014
Last updated September 22, 2014